How to Solve and Fix Cell Standby in your Phone, Possible Answers

Cell Standby, one of the trending question on how to fix this problem, users also encountered this queries in their Phone and that is why i posted this article to help those users who encounter this common error in their Android Phone.

Here are some of the list possible answer, yet its not 100% working to all users but try to do this tutorials in your phone and maybe it may fix your problem.

What is Cell Standby Anyway?

Well, According to some trending post, Cell Standby can manipulate or cause your battery easy to drain the battery and in that case, the more cell standby in your phone the more battery in might consumed.

Possible Answers:

* First, do the easy tutorials, off all the un necessary widgets in your phone like the screen bright, WiFi, and Bluetooth maybe it is the cause of the problem.
* Second, you can easy install the Cell Standby in Google Play and other website who give the great apps to this and surely it may fix the problem of yours.
* Their is also available Cell Standby in some custom ROM, just hit the Cell Standby Settings and that's all.