Cherry Mobile Omega HD 2.0 vs. Cherry Mobile Blaze 2.0 Comparison of this two Great Phones

Talking about great features specs and price and comparing between a Cherry Mobile Omega HD 2.0 vs. Cherry Mobile Blaze 2.0, what are the things we need to know when we are asking regarding to this 2 great device, well let me you a simple ideas and things to know to this two devices.

Surely, they are confusing just because they are both great and trending in the market today and talking in some Page in Facebook if you are familiar with, they are also great in features like camera's and quality of the phone when it comes to gaming and running some application, yet if they have a similarities they get also a difference

Here are They:
  • Blaze 2.0 is more size in its screen, while the Omega 2.0 is enough to put in the pocket unlike Blaze 2.0, but if you are a gamer and want to experience a wider screen Blaze 2.0 is more good on that.
  • If talking about Modding, Omega HD 2.0 is good here, a lot of things like guides tuts and and Pages that offer great way to enhance your phone.
  • Custom ROMs, how to Root and other things you want to install is both nice in this matter, but it is depends on what source you are going to stay and read with.
  • Prices is also not the problem, both of them has almost the same price.
  • Dead Pixels, Experts and owners of Blaze 2.0 don't have a bad feedback regarding to dead pixels (not really sure in it) unlike Omega HD 2.0 has a lot of things and comments regarding to Dead Pixels on their phone.
  • In Camera Quality, they also said that Omega HD 2.0 is more suit in this matter, clear copy and clear image taken when trying to capture one.
  • IT IS also depends on the user how to make their phone good, no matter what phone you used, it was depends on how to care and use it, hope this might help. 


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