Steps and Guide for Changing the Font Size of your Chery Mobile Omega HD Messages

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Well, lets also tackle another Questions and Answers came from Cherry Mobile Users and every posted answers will give you a hint to solve the problem, but take a note also that not all the given answers is guaranteed 100% working and try it at your own risk, let me begin.

Questions and Answers Details

1. Memory Full / Insufficient Storage while Downloading Games and Applications.
Possible Answer : I tried it myself, first you need to move apps into your SD Card first, make sure that your internal storage is lots of space before you download. make sure also to set your storage into your SD Card. enjoy to download.

2. Headset icon remained in your phone after removing the headset
Possible Answer: Always turn off the headset before removing the headset, if the icon still in there try to reboot the phone and do the first thing after.

3. How to add or change the font of your message text in Cherry Mobile Omega HD
Possible Answer : You  can download and install Go SMS for you to change the font style and font size, there was an option there to customize the message queries.

4. Draining your Battery Life fast, how to solve?
Possible Answers, Make sure to close some apps which are not in used, make sure also to save and used the battery in a good way (considering playing games, text and call). you can also download greenify apps to customize and improve your battery life, last in the list, if all answer is not working, calibrate the battery or buy for a new one.


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